High blood pressure is a medical condition that has claimed millions of lives. Medically, hypertension (high blood pressure) results when the force of the blood against your blood vessels becomes too high that it can lead to heart ailments. The volume of blood pumped by your heart in each beat and the resistance against the artery determines your blood pressure.
Therefore, if you have narrow blood vessels, your blood pressure is likely to be high. However, doctors warn that you can have hypertension for long durations without eliciting any symptoms. Therefore, regular blood pressure readings are needed to prevent full-blown hypertension leading to cardiac issues and, in some cases, death.
According to specialists, food, sedentary lifestyle, alcoholism and stress are some causes of high blood pressure. However, developing high blood pressure does not occur overnight. Instead, poor blood circulation and high blood cholesterol levels take time to pile up in your system.
Other risk factors like race, age, heredity, and obesity increase the chances of developing hypertension. When the blood pressure gets too dangerous, some individuals complain of headaches, fatigue, shortness of breath, and nose bleeds. Hypertension can lead to complications such as: Stroke/heart attack Aneurysm Metabolic syndrome Vision loss due to torn, narrowed, or thickened eye blood vessels Heart failure Poor cognitive health What is Blood Pressure 911 Cardiac Support Supplement?
Blood Pressure 911 markets itself as a revolutionary plant-based herbal supplement that can improve the health and function of the heart naturally. A daily dose of two Blood Pressure 911 pills is purported to: Improve blood circulation in your system by acting as a vasodilator Reduce LDL (bad blood cholesterol) levels Stabilize blood glucose levels Fight side effects of using pharmaceutical hypertension drugs
PhytAge Labs claim Blood Pressure 911 contains natural and safe ingredients that can naturally restore your heart health. Blood Pressure 911 is rich in ancient Japanese herbs that are scientifically proven to augment your cardiac condition. The genesis of Blood Pressure 911 supplement
The Blood Pressure 911 sales page indicates that Ed Corcoran is the founder of this heart support supplement. At the age of 48, Ed Corcoran suffered a stroke while attending his granddaughter’s baptism ceremony, and he was out of work for about nine months following the stroke. During his hospitalization and subsequent home care treatment, Ed used most of his money and created a dent in his retirement benefits.
When he was better, Ed decided to look for alternative high blood pressure medication that is cheap and easy to consume. While eating at his favorite Japanese restraint, Ed conversed with the restaurant’s manager and shared his current medical condition. The restaurant manager introduced him to a Japanese doctor (Nakamura) who uses alternative medicine to treat and manage hypertension.
Dr. Nakamura prescribed Ed a blend of natural plant-based herbal solutions that helped him become “free” from high blood pressure. Ed Corcoran approached PhytAge Labs with the list of Japanese-based ingredients and had them transform the ingredients into capsules that are easy to consume. How does PhytAge Labs Blood Pressure 911 enhance heart health?
According to PhytAge Labs, individuals with high blood pressure are likely to have high LDL levels. Thus, Blood Pressure 911 contains ingredients that lower bad cholesterol levels, thus improving blood circulation in your system. Blood Pressure 911 can widen the blood vessels and remove deposits that cause high blood pressure by combining plant vitamins, minerals, and other elements.
Additionally, the creator of Blood Pressure 911 assures consumers that the Japanese blend in these capsules naturally enhances metabolic rates and can help you wean off the side effects of pharmaceutical hypertension medications. Customers should be cautious before consuming drugs that claim they can 100% eliminate hypertension, especially if they are not FDA-approved. Which superfoods are in Blood Pressure 911?
You can get a full list of Blood Pressure 911 ingredients on the product label. However, the quantity of the 620mg proprietary blend of ingredients like garlic, hawthorn, hibiscus flower, olive leaf, and juniper berry, among others, is not specified.
Vitamins- PhytAge Labs includes five essential vitamins in Blood Pressure 911. These include Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Vitamin B12, Folate, and Niacin. Scientifically, vitamins are referred to as “protective foods” as they contain high amounts of antioxidants that prevent infections.
Additionally, PhytAge Labs claims adding vitamins in this cardiac support supplement boosts your metabolism and protects your cardiovascular system. Also, Blood Pressure 911 maker claims that the five vitamins can boost cognitive health and improve brain function. Lastly, the vitamins in Blood Pressure 911 increase energy levels in your system, which makes you stay active throughout the day and fights chronic fatigue.
Garlic Bulb- For centuries, garlic has spiced up meals and promoted better blood circulation. The chemical compounds in garlic act as vasodilators and remove clogs in the blood vessels that make the blood vessels to be narrow.
Hawthorn Leaf- According to PhytAge Labs, this fixing is popular in Chinese medicine and can significantly stabilize blood pressure by eliminating harmful triglycerides and cholesterols in the blood system. Additionally, modern scholars indicate hawthorn is a vasodilator that effectively relaxes blood vessels, thus improving natural blood flow.
Also, hawthorn is rich in anti-inflammatories that prevent chronic inflammations and inhibit the development of numerous conditions such as certain cancers, asthma, and type 2 diabetes. Lastly, Blood Pressure 911 maker claims that hawthorn can reduce stress and anxiety and promote relaxation and better sleep.
Buchu Leaf- this plant extract occurred naturally in South Africa and is hailed for its medicinal values. Scientists claim Buchu leaves are rich in hesperidin which augments your heart health and lowers high blood pressure. Buchu works by strengthening the blood arteries and veins for better blood flow. In addition, the active chemicals in Buchu reduce cholesterol levels which fortifies your cardiac system.
Juniper berry- is an aromatic culinary spice that naturally grows in Asia, Europe, and North America. According to PhytAge Labs, juniper berries contain antioxidants that protect your system from chronic inflammations and infections. Additionally, juniper berries boost digestive health by improving the gut microbiome.
Chinese medicine claim juniper berries can detoxify your system and improve your heart health. Lastly, the chemicals in Juniper berries can improve the neural system and protect the nervous and brain from oxidative stress.
Green Tea Extract- Blood pressure 911 adds this fixing as it is clinically proven to enhance blood flow. In addition, the natural antioxidants in pure green tea can prevent inflammations to the heart organelles and tissues.
Other ingredients in Blood Pressure support supplements include Silicon Dioxide, gelatin, microcrystalline cellulose, and vegetable magnesium stearate. Blood Pressure 911 Pros Blood Pressure 911 naturally enhances blood flow, thus stabilizing blood pressure. Blood Pressure 911 can boost your immunity and reduce chronic infections. PhytAge Labs claim these capsules can increase your metabolic rate, thus increasing energy levels in your system for better health. Ed Corcoran claims these supplements can help you overcome the side effects of ingesting hypertension drugs. The ingredients in Blood Pressure 911 can stabilize blood glucose levels hence prevent type 2 diabetes. The supplement (Blood Pressure 911) inhibits the accumulation of triglycerides and LDL, which clogs the blood arteries. Dosage
Blood Pressure 911 creator directs that you should consume two capsules daily for better heart health. Additionally, PhytAge Labs warns against overdosing and recommends making dietary and lifestyle changes to get better results. Also, Blood Pressure 911 is a product for adults only, and you should seek medical guidance before taking this medication. How to buy Blood Pressure 911 Supplements
PhytAge Labs Blood Pressure 911 supplements are only available on the official website. Consumers can purchase as a single bottle or in bulk to save money: 1 bottle $69.95 / Free Shipping 2 bottles $119.90 / Free Shipping 4 bottles $199.80 / Free Shipping The company offers a 90-Day Money-Back Guarantee on all purchases; if customers are not satisfied with their results, contact Phytage Labs by email or phone: Support Number: 1-800-822-5753 Support Email: wecare@phytagesupport.com Mailing Address: 1732 1st Avenue #28568 New York, NY 10128 USA Returns Address: PhytAge Laboratories 37 Inverness Drive East, Suite 100 Englewood, CO 8011 Final Thoughts
The company offers a 90-Day Money-Back Guarantee on all purchases; if customers are not satisfied with their results, contact Phytage Labs by email or phone: Support Number: 1-800-822-5753 Support Email: wecare@phytagesupport.com Mailing Address: 1732 1st Avenue #28568 New York, NY 10128 USA Returns Address: PhytAge Laboratories 37 Inverness Drive East, Suite 100 Englewood, CO 8011 Final Thoughts
PhytAge Labs claims that Blood Pressure 911 are innovative dietary pills that can stabilize high blood pressure. Additionally, Blood Pressure 911 is purported to contain organic ingredients that are safe and effective. However, users should not consume Blood Pressure 911 as an alternative to a doctor’s prescription.
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